The Book of John Series (John 7:1-14) – March 31, 2013

The following are the answers to the text questions that came in during the sermon:


1.  Why did the Jews want to lose glory? I’m the master. 10:21 AM
2.  Why did the Jews want to lose glory? Shouldn’t they want glory? – Josh 12:08 PM

This question came in during both services.  Apparently I said something that led people to believe that the Jews wanted to lose glory.  What I was trying to say was that the Jews saw Jesus as a way to lose their glory…and they did not want to lose it…so they had to kill him.  If Jesus kept moving forward with his agenda, then these Jews thought that the glory that they had would no longer be.  They were so threatened by the fact that Jesus could cause them to lose their glory that they had to get rid of him.  The same way that the Jews thought they would lose glory, the brothers thought Jesus was a way to gain glory.  Both of those groups were focused on their own glory and they should have been focused on God’s glory.


3.  How do you know if you see His Glory? 10:35 AM

This answer will probably leave you feeling less than satisfied, but the answer is…you will simply know when you see His Glory.  His glory will be unmistakable and you will be forever changed.  We may see some things that leave us feeling good, but when we see the glory of God, we are changed.  In John 1:14, we can read “And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we have seen his glory, glory as of the only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth.”  His glory will be a combination of truth and grace.  The more we look to Jesus Christ, the more we will see it.  In Colossians 1:15, we read about Jesus, “He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation.”  If we want to see God’s glory, we have to look to Jesus.


4.  What if your “trophy” is something bad instead of good and it is still keeping you from Gods glories? 12:19 PM

The trophy “our glory” could be bad or good and still be a problem if it is more important to us than God’s glory.  Basically, anything that we value more than the glory of God is a problem.  Most of us have a tendency to be more concerned about our own glory…good things or bad things.


~ by Jason Miley on April 5, 2013.

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